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Project management of small size development project at Japan headquater by utilizing off-shore resources in overseas.
This position is required N1 level Japanese language and to work in JAPAN.
If anyone who aims to be in the management position in the future, this working opportunity will be very good path for your career vision.
This position is required N1 level Japanese language and to work in JAPAN.
If anyone who aims to be in the management position in the future, this working opportunity will be very good path for your career vision.
More Details
【Hiring Company】 PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd. ( https://www.pi-pe.co.jp/ )

Nowadays, the use of the Internet has been emerging day by day. The areas of data utilization such as big data, IoT, and AI are expanding. It is no exaggeration to say that the amount of data handled in corporate activities has been also increased dramatically, and what kind of data is used for what purpose is the key to business success. As an "information asset bank" that takes care of clients' important data, PIPED BITS provide solutions to various business scenes.
Here is an environment where you can understand the process of developing a new service as well as gain a lot of knowledges to handle multiple accounts, security and performance. In addition, you can work in corporate culture where engineers are respected also work closely to the management team.
【 Job Responsibility 】
This candidate must handle with small size development project at Japan headquarter by utilizing off-shore resources collaborating with engineers in both Japan and overseas as a Bridge Engineer. Must understand the project management concept and deliver the project in timely manner with good collabularies with on-site and remote working engineers.
【Academic requirement 】
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Project experience of HTML, Java script, Nodejs etc. Academic level knowledge of AI and Robotics
【Language requirement】 Fluent in JAPANESE ( JLPT N1 MUST)
【Compensation and Benefits 】JPY 229,000 ~ 263,000 /month ※ Basic salary: 199,000 JPY which includes overtime work up to 51,116 JPY
・Regional allowance : Additional 30,000 JPY will be paid when working at Tokyo headquarter
・Overtime work allowance : Overtime hours equivalent to 51,116 JPY is included to the basic salary. ※If exceed the amount, additional overtime allowance is paid based on the actual working hours
【 Working Hours】 9:00AM- 6:00PM ※ Variable Working Hour System is applied every month
【Holiday】126 days per year ※ Including Weekend ( Saturday & Sunday), Year-end & New-year holiday, Annual paid leaves, Special leaves, Funeral leaves, Lay judge system leaves
・Bonus : 2times per year ( April & October) *Bonus is applicable after probation period ends
・Commuting allowance : Up to 30,000 JPY per month (based on actual transportation cost)
・Social insurance( Employees' Pension / Health Insurance) , Work accident insurance / employment insurance applicable
・ Workplace adjustment allowance (Tokyo ¥ 30,000, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya ¥ 10,000)
・Overtime allowance , Late-night work allowance, Holiday work allowance, Childcare allowance, etc.
【About Company 】PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd. ( https://www.pi-pe.co.jp/)
・Businesses: PaaS ( Platform as a Service) “Information Asset Platform Business”, Advertisement Business, IT Solution Business
・Established in : 2000/04/03
・Location : Tokyo, Japan ( Minato-ku)
・Outline of business: The Company conducts the “Information Asset Platform Business” with the business concept of “Information Asset Bank”. Like banks that store financial assets and assist in asset management, we contribute to improving the quality of information life while providing services that allow corporate customers to safely store information assets and make effective use of them.